
lovin' life!!!

well what can i say.....we are home and LOVIN' LIFE!!! don't get me wrong....we are SO GREATFUL to only be about half hour away from "the hotel on the hill" but you can only eat so much of "the rainbow cafe" food before you can't even stand to walk past it! hahaha. we are VERY glad to be home tho. tay is doing GREAT and is pretty much not needing anything for pain which TOTALLY amazes me!!! she is such a tough little girl! she is pretty much back to her normal self! :) especially when it comes to the eating department! hahaha. she's a good little eater that's for sure! :) we have been SO BLESSED for the way things have turned out!!! the surgery went better than planned, tay was a strong little fighter and came home within ONE WEEK!!! i cannot even EXPLAIN the blessings we have recieved with this little miracle of ours!!! as i was uploading my pics i noticed that i didn't post any from halloween! tay was a witch for my mom's halloween party and a pumpkin on halloween day. she was pretty much adorable! :) here are some pics from halloween....

here is tay with one of her new boyfriends.... :)

homie-tay. haha.we ran some errands one day and when we got home and i lifted her "germ cover" up and this is what i saw....ADORABLE!!!
who woulda thought a paper cup would be so fun to play with?!?! tay LOVES to drink from our cups so i gave her her very own and she knew exactly what to do with it! it was so cute!

our little family on surgery day before meeting with the surgeon

my baby girl after surgery..... :(

a pic of her xray after surgery....

recovery day 2

day 3...SUPER SWOLLEN!!! poor thing! you can just see in her eyes how yucky she feels!

day 4

day 5. out of the CICU!!! YAY!!! this was the first time i got to hold her. she just stared at me and put her hand on my face....so sweet....

the day before we went home

day 6. we are home!!! SO HAPPY!!!

ohhh the joy of giving meds....

you've all heard this many time but THANK YOU ALL for all the love and support and for EVERYTHING!!! we cannot thank you all enough!!!

p.s. i forgot to mention my baby is sleeping through the night like she use to before her surgery!!! yay! and i also forgot to mention that e came home with NO OXYGEN!!! :D oh happy day!!!


  1. What a happy post! We're so glad she is such a strong fighter and doing so well!

  2. Yeah!! We are so glad thing went smoothly and Taylee is back home! And sleeping through the night?! I'm so jealous!

    Mason's Mommy

  3. I'm SO glad she's doing so well! I just don't even have words for those pictures of her on that hospital bed. But seeing her home and looking completely eatably adorable make me so SO happy for you!
