
what a crazy 2 weeks!

wow! what a week! first off tay turned 9months old on the 21st!!! i can't believe it!!! she is growing up way too fast and not being by lil' cuddle bug anymore! :( she is such a joy in our lives!!! we just love her to pieces!

9month pic
helmet head... haha
look!!! her hair is growing back so fast!! yay!! :)
playin in the tub with her rubber duckie
yep...she is sucking on her toes....

now for what's happened the past two weeks....monday we went in for our 9 month check up! she's 16lbs 5oz and doing great! then wednesday we had to go in for our rsv shot. :( then friday night we went over to our new friend's house! we met amy and scott in the cicu when tay had her glenn and carter(their son) had his fontan. after chatting we found out that they live just a couple blocks up from us!!! so crazy! so we went over to get out of the house, chat, and let the kids play for a little. :) carter is such a cute little man! he is one of taylee's boyfriends. :) we like to joke that they are going to get married one day. :) ha ha ha wouldn't that be quite the challenge getting insurance for the two of them! any who! here they are ....
so cute! and yes...taylee is mad. haha.

carters cute mom made a hat and flower clip and these adorable leg warmers!! she's not wearing the hat because her noggin is too big for it. haha. poor thing! i'll save it for my next baby girl. :)

then saturday morning at about 3:30 tay woke up and was super fussy and WOULD NOT SLEEP! ugh. so we were up most of the night. then saturday she had a fever of 101 WITH giving her tylenol every 4 hours....we waited all day to see if her fever would break and it didn't so we called my ped's office and they said it would be best to take her to primary's.....ugh. don't get me wrong...primary's is an AMAZING place. but know that when you go there unexpected...you are there for a WHILE!!! so down to primary's we went. after her screaming for a good hour or two with all the poking and what nots she finally fell asleep in my arms while we waited for the results. it's a virus. YAY! so glad to hear it was just a virus and nothing else! :) then on our way home we went. didn't sleep that night. laid around all day sunday. didn't sleep all night again. then went to our cardio appt. dr. p was happy with how well she was doing and her weight gain and told us not to come back for SIX MONTHS!!! WOOOO WHOOO!!! we get to enjoy our summer and not worry about appointments! SO EXCITING! :) he also took her off of her diuretics so now all she takes is her 1/2 aspirin and ammox. (for not having a spleen). it AMAZES me that she is on only 1/2 and aspirin with the extensive surgery she had just 3 months ago!!! she's a miracle that's for sure! :) then we were on our way home again. slept a little that night. then woke up early to pick up my little brother from the airport!!! yay! i was SO excited! he finally go to meet taylee! :) so fun! here is a pic of them...

so cute! :)

spent all day there then went home to go to bed. didn't sleep. woke up SUPER SICK! both me and tay. she now had a cough that was sounding not so good at all! so i called my ped. and he told me to bring her in. poor thing has been so sick she now has an ear infection! :( i was hoping that after all of our hibernating she wouldn't get sick. :( we are guessing we caught it from dad who was sick two weeks ago. how we caught it so late i have no idea but we are SO READY for it to be over with!!! any who. that's our story for now! waiting to be healthy and for spring to come!!! :)


  1. Taylee is honestly the prettiest little girl! January/February are ALWAYS the hardest months for us with sickness. So hopefully, just a few more weeks and you'll be home-free for Spring, right? I sure hope you all get healthy soon! I'm so happy to hear she's doing so well with everything else!!

  2. I had to check to see how your little girls is doing :) She looks so good! I'm sorry about all of the sickness, it seems to come with the heart stuff...Ammon is on his fifth ear infection since October (not to mention who knows how many colds!) My favorite picture is the one of Tay with her her sticking out all over - so CUTE!

  3. That hat and leg warmers are the cutest things EVER!
