

wow! what a year! i can't believe it's already over! it was QUITE the year!!! one that we DEFINATELY won't forget! :) our sweet little baby girl was born! april 21st was the best day ever! after 16 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing our little miracle entered this world! it was worth EVERY minute of it too! we were told MANY things to expect when she got here and it was all SO HARD to hear. but to everyone's surprise it was not anything like were were told to expect! our little miracle came and she was a BIG 7lbs 11oz bundle of joy! that is GREAT weight for a "heart baby". once she was transferred to primary's all the nurses and doctors couldn't believe how well she was doing!
this is probably one of my favorite pics! this was when they brought her in after checking her out and before taking her to primary's.

holding my sweet baby girl for the first time...

10 days old and going home!!! we were so blessed to have our sweet little girl and to top it off she was able to come home surgery free! what a miracle!
then we got to bless our little bug. she was SO pretty. :)
then came a day that we knew would come.....one that we did not want to come but knew it would....the day she had surgery. it was the BEST and WORST day all in one. it was the BEST day because we knew that it was over with and we would not have to think about it and the outcome of the surgery was wonderful! it was the worst day because we had to hand our baby girl over the the doctor not knowing what would happen. i cannot even express the flood of emotions we went through.
then we had our very first christmas with our little tay! and it was OH so much fun! we have been SO BLESSED this year!!! the way that everything has turned out has honestly been one miracle after another! and we hope to have many more in the future! we hope you will all have a very happy and HEALTHY new year! :)


  1. I love that little girl! I love you guys too!! So much.
    Love, Auntie Jennie!!

  2. Hi! I don't remember meeting you, but that doesn't mean it wasn't me, i have a super bad memory :) Your girl is ADORABLE! What happened to that dark hair?? It almost looks like a different baby from the top picture to the more recent ones! I'm glad her surgery went well, it's amazing what they can do these days :) Good to hear from you, keep in touch!
