

my goodness! i really can't believe how fast time flies by!!! even since we have been hibernating! after tay's surgery i thought that winter would NEVER come to an end and here it is almost MARCH!! YAY!!! i cannot tell you how EXCITED we are!! :) we are all healthy and happy! thank goodness! i was DEFINATELY tired of being sick that's for sure! haha. any ways! taylee is seriously getting so big! i know i say this in every post but every time i post she is bigger so it's true! :) she is so fun! i honestly am SO BLESSED to be able to stay home with her!! i cannot thank my sweet hubby enough for all he does for us! he is the BEST! :) february has actually been kind of eventful! :) i kinda felt like we were in a rut there for a little while but not anymore! here has what had happened this month:

*feb 8th- tay started waving back at us
*feb 11th- tay got her very first tooth! YAY!!!
*sometime in feb- she started holding her own bottle!
it is pretty much the CUTEST thing ever but kinda makes me sad at the same time!
*she knows what "no" means already. haha. i don't even tell her "no" other than when she shoves her hand in her mouth after taking a bit bite of food. haha. such a mean mom. hahaha.
*she also know what "uh-oh" means. it's so cute! she will be sitting in her high chair and drop her toy off the side and look at me and wait for me to say "uh-oh" then she gets a HUGE smile on her face!! so cute!!!
*LOVES books! she will hold a book and turn the pages HERSELF!!! amazing!!
*she has been playing peek-a-boo for a couple months now. she will pull her blanket up over her face and hold it up for a second then pull it down real fast. haha.
*she knows how to "give me five" and gets a HUGE grin after she does it!
*one of her favorite things to do right now is kick her legs! she is such a strong kicker too!!! we lay her down and say "kick, kick, kick" and she starts kicking like CRAZY!!!
*she HATES tummy time! (maybe that's why she's not crawling yet)
*she now weighs 16lbs 11oz! i totally thought she would weigh more with her eating as much as she does but i guess not! :) i'm just glad she continues to gain weight! :)

tay is not crawling. :( i kinda have a hard time with this to be honest. she is TEN MONTHS and not crawling yet. :( it worries me. i know all babies are different but when you see babies WALKING at 12 months it's kinda hard knowing my baby doesn't even crawl yet. one day. hopefully soon. but at the same time i hope it's not. haha. i have mixed feelings. i just hope that my baby will be fine a develop like all other babies do. she doesn't say any words yet either. not mama or dada. :( this saddens me a little as well. my doc said usually by 12months they should be saying 2-3 words so lets keep our fingers crossed that happens! we have two months to go! taylee is honestly SO SMART!!! she amazes me everyday!!! i think she is just taking her precious time and enjoying the spoiling for as long as she can. :) she would... hahaha.

other than that tay is doing AMAZING!! we are seriously SO BLESSED to have this little miracle in our lives. i'm tearing up right now just thinking of how blessed we have been since we had her. we have been so blessed with the outcome of her extensive surgery. we have been so blessed to be able to keep her strong and healthy! what a miracle!!! we love her more and more everyday!
here are some recent pictures of our sweet baby girl...
TEN MONTHS OLD!!! yes..funny outfit. half outfit half jammies. :)
playing in the highchair. :)
ha ha ha. tell me this is not ADORABLE!!! how she knows her arm is suppose to lay on the arm rest...you got me! :)
one of her many boyfriends...beckam. :)
our sweet little bug. :)
her hair is growing so fast! we can now clip a clip in it! :)
big girl!!!
silly bug eating her most favorite treat! she likes to SHOVE as much as possible of it in her mouth! when she gets to the end of it i step closer to her to make sure she doesn't choke and as soon as i step closer she knows why i moved closer and without fail...shoves it all in. haha. she's too smart for her own good!
last but not least...taylee's bestest friend...daddy! EVERY single night when dad comes home, as he is unlocking the front door she looks straight at the door and waits for him to walk in. he walks in and she gets the most precious, HUGE grin i have ever seen! it's PRICELESS!!! :)
now we are off to visit tay's cousins and then we are gonna go to DISNEYLAND!!! YAY!!! we hope and pray that tay will continue to stay healthy on/after our little trip. :)


  1. If it helps you feel any better, my Gabe didn't crawl until 11 months, didn't walk until 16 months (my niece didn't walk until 17), and he has just started saying his first few words in the past 3-4 months (he's 19 months old). I was worried because I had read all the books that say things happen lots earlier too, but then I started hearing about TONS of babies who just wait until later. All my babies have been different. :) She is honestly BEAUTIFUL, Shalee! Have a BLAST in Disneyland!! You guys deserve it!

  2. Tay is the most precious baby. I just love to watch her. She is doing great, Shae. She's amazed us so far and I know she will continue to do so. You are a great mom to her. I watch you take care of her and how much you love her and it warms my soul. She adores you, too.

  3. Shalee--
    Taylee is so stinking cute! I just love her chubby little cheeks! Hope you and your family are well! :)
