
one year old miracle!!! :)

wow! what a miracle! talk about flood of emotions!!! our little taylee turned ONE!!!! and boy was it a fun day!!! when i went to bed that night it was almost as if it was MY birthday and it was the BEST one ever!!! :) it turned out to be such a perfect day! tay started her day off with a big fat bottle and a little tinkerbell movie. :) she loved it! ha ha. then we went about our everyday routine. around 6 we had our families come over for a little party to celebrate!! we had pizza and cake and ice cream.

our pretty little bug. :)
now she is DONE with the pics and out to get me!!!

opening presents. she LOVED it!!!

here is her cake that turned out so cute! (no i didn't make it but we can pretend i did! :) )

pre-cake face. :)

mom, you're tellin me i get all of this?!?!

alright! if you say so!

look what i just threw on the floor...

mmmm....look at my seat!

a little birthday decorations.

i HONESTLY can't believe our baby is ONE!!! i can't believe how fast time has flown by!!! we are and have been SO blessed to have this sweet baby girl in our lives!!! she has taught me MANY lessons that i will never forget. i am so glad to be able call her OURS!!!
new tricks tay can do:
*sign "more"
*clap her hands when you say "yay!"
*throw green beans on the wall(yes, i think it's hilarious!)
*she will put her binki in her bed when i tell her to after her naps.
*gets around like no other by rolling!!!
*holds her phone by her ear when you say "hello"
*knows exactly how to turn on daddy's x-box

now here are some easter pics...

sideways...sorry. J-A-C-K-P-O-T!!!
happy little bunny
playin with the eggs.


  1. She is such a cutie pie! I love her cake and the outfit. SOOO darling!!

  2. Oh my word, this girl is killin' me she's so darn cute! How CRAZY that she's 1! I'm so glad you guys had such a fun day! Your family deserves it! Happy birthday, Taylee!

  3. I miss that little dolly. She looks so cute!!!!! Give her lots of hugs for me!

  4. Oh Shalee these pics are classic!! You're captions on the cake pics had me rolling!! I bet she LOVED that cake! And so did the floor, and the chair...! I'm so glad the day went so perfectly!! Happy Birthday Tay!!
